Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Chapter 15- Agriculture in Comparison

Kauai is nicknamed the Garden Island because of its agricultural abundance.  Kauai has a 365-day-a-year growing season affords farmers and gardeners the opportunity to grow everything from tropical fruits and flowers to traditional Polynesian and row crops, endangered native plants and exotic hardwood.  

Like Kauai, California is also an ideal state to produce agricultural products.  In fact, the state of California is in fact the most agricultural in terms of total farm income.  The total market value of agricultural products sold was $31.7 billion in 2005.  In certain areas of California, farmers do not have to worry about spring frosts damaging crops.  

Both Kauai and California are ideal locations to access an abundance of agricultural products including food and flowers.  The island and the state have a variety of climatic regions to support the demand of supply.

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